Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wouldn't it be nice if the world were Cadbury?

Very busy lately... less productive. It's like every morning I open a window expecting a flock of parrot's to invite themselves in, but instead they all end in a heap under the sill with broken necks. I don't think parrot's even move in flocks.
So a few pieces I've done recently, not curriculum-related.
As a side-note, if you haven't yet listened to the Dears' latest album (somewhat inappropriately titled) 'Gang of Losers,' give it a peek. And everyone should listen to a decent amount of Chris Smither.


Anonymous said...

i was eating gino's on your desk.

i really like your wrestler... hahaha.

Eshwin said...

... dead parrot flocks ... ?? It appears the decontexualized surreal verbal art generator Rosekat now has a blog ...

The picture of aunt nellie is sick. Your linework and that use of flat colour go well together.

Christian Rosekat said...

I used your napkins, Tes.
Esh, I love you. Betch.

Dingus said...

Hey, I adore your minimalistic coloring and orgasmic line work. It pretty much made my night. The tourettes parrot made me laugh, hard too. Great stuff! I'll be checking back often.

Christian Rosekat said...

Thank you for your kind words young lady. Making people laugh (hard, too!) makes my day, so we're square!

honline said...

high concept! eh plus!

thanks for the dlv photo of me at your desk.

honline said...

great work, by the way.

honline said...

check your links man, none of them work!! one too many http's!